Cdparanoia is a Compact Disc Digital Audio (CDDA) extraction tool, commonly known on the net as a 'ripper'. The application is built on top of the Paranoia library, which is doing the real work (the Paranoia source is included in the cdparanoia source distribution). Like the original cdda2wav, cdparanoia package reads audio from the CDROM directly as data, with no analog step between, and writes the data to a file or pipe in WAV, AIFC or raw 16 bit linear PCM. Cdparanoia is a bit different than most other CDDA extraction tools. It contains few-to-no 'extra' features, concentrating only on the ripping process and knowing as much as possible about the hardware performing it. Cdparanoia will read correct, rock-solid audio data from inexpensive drives prone to misalignment, frame jitter and loss of streaming during atomic reads. Cdparanoia will also read and repair data from CDs that have been damaged in some way. At the same time, however, cdparanoia turns out to be easy to use and administrate. It has no compile time configuration, happily autodetecting the CDROM, its type, its interface and other aspects of the ripping process at runtime. A single binary can serve the diverse hardware of the do-it-yourself computer laboratory from Hell...
Cdparanoia is a Compact Disc Digital Audio (CDDA) extraction tool, commonly known on the net as a 'ripper'. The application is built on top of the Paranoia library, which is doing the real work (the Paranoia source is included in the cdparanoia source distribution). Like the original cdda2wav, cdparanoia package reads audio from the CDROM directly as data, with no analog step between, and writes the data to a file or pipe in WAV, AIFC or raw 16 bit linear PCM. Cdparanoia is a bit different than most other CDDA extraction tools. It contains few-to-no 'extra' features, concentrating only on the ripping process and knowing as much as possible about the hardware performing it. Cdparanoia will read correct, rock-solid audio data from inexpensive drives prone to misalignment, frame jitter and loss of streaming during atomic reads. Cdparanoia will also read and repair data from CDs that have been damaged in some way. At the same time, however, cdparanoia turns out to be easy to use and administrate. It has no compile time configuration, happily autodetecting the CDROM, its type, its interface and other aspects of the ripping process at runtime. A single binary can serve the diverse hardware of the do-it-yourself computer laboratory from Hell...
To install cdparanoia, run the following command in macOS terminal (Applications->Utilities->Terminal)
sudo port install cdparanoia
To see what files were installed by cdparanoia, run:
port contents cdparanoia
To later upgrade cdparanoia, run:
sudo port selfupdate && sudo port upgrade cdparanoia
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