High-performance regular expression matching library. It follows the regular expression syntax of the commonly-used libpcre library, but is a standalone library with its own C API. Hyperscan uses hybrid automata techniques to allow simultaneous matching of large numbers (up to tens of thousands) of regular expressions and for the matching of regular expressions across streams of data. Hyperscan is typically used in a DPI library stack.
High-performance regular expression matching library. It follows the regular expression syntax of the commonly-used libpcre library, but is a standalone library with its own C API. Hyperscan uses hybrid automata techniques to allow simultaneous matching of large numbers (up to tens of thousands) of regular expressions and for the matching of regular expressions across streams of data. Hyperscan is typically used in a DPI library stack.
To install hyperscan, run the following command in macOS terminal (Applications->Utilities->Terminal)
sudo port install hyperscan
To see what files were installed by hyperscan, run:
port contents hyperscan
To later upgrade hyperscan, run:
sudo port selfupdate && sudo port upgrade hyperscan
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