Library handling the communication with Apple's Tatsu Signing Server (TSS).
This library is part of the libimobiledevice project. The main purpose of this library is to allow creating TSS request payloads, sending them to Apple's TSS server, and retrieving and processing the response. The code was originally part of idevicerestore and has been split out to its own library, while obviously idevicerestore will remain the main consumer.
This library is part of the libimobiledevice project. The main purpose of this library is to allow creating TSS request payloads, sending them to Apple's TSS server, and retrieving and processing the response. The code was originally part of idevicerestore and has been split out to its own library, while obviously idevicerestore will remain the main consumer.
To install libtatsu, run the following command in macOS terminal (Applications->Utilities->Terminal)
sudo port install libtatsu
To see what files were installed by libtatsu, run:
port contents libtatsu
To later upgrade libtatsu, run:
sudo port selfupdate && sudo port upgrade libtatsu
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