Determine if a time is within the next specified period.
Time::Period is a module that provides the inPeriod method, which takes an argument of a time and a delta from the current time, and returns true if the time is within now + delta, false otherwise. It is used for firing scheduled events--backups, expiration of backups, etc.
Time::Period is a module that provides the inPeriod method, which takes an argument of a time and a delta from the current time, and returns true if the time is within now + delta, false otherwise. It is used for firing scheduled events--backups, expiration of backups, etc.
To install p5.30-time-period, run the following command in macOS terminal (Applications->Utilities->Terminal)
sudo port install p5.30-time-period
To see what files were installed by p5.30-time-period, run:
port contents p5.30-time-period
To later upgrade p5.30-time-period, run:
sudo port selfupdate && sudo port upgrade p5.30-time-period
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