sam2p is a UNIX command line utility written in ANSI C++ that converts many raster (bitmap) image formats into Adobe PostScript or PDF files and several other formats. The images are not vectorized. sam2p gives full control to the user to specify standards-compliance, compression, and bit depths. In some cases sam2p can compress an image 100 times smaller than the PostScript output of many other common image converters. sam2p provides ZIP, RLE and LZW (de)compression filters even on Level1 PostScript devices.
sam2p is a UNIX command line utility written in ANSI C++ that converts many raster (bitmap) image formats into Adobe PostScript or PDF files and several other formats. The images are not vectorized. sam2p gives full control to the user to specify standards-compliance, compression, and bit depths. In some cases sam2p can compress an image 100 times smaller than the PostScript output of many other common image converters. sam2p provides ZIP, RLE and LZW (de)compression filters even on Level1 PostScript devices.
To install sam2p, run the following command in macOS terminal (Applications->Utilities->Terminal)
sudo port install sam2p
To see what files were installed by sam2p, run:
port contents sam2p
To later upgrade sam2p, run:
sudo port selfupdate && sudo port upgrade sam2p
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