viewvc (devel/viewvc) Updated: 2 years ago Add to my watchlist

Browser interface for CVS and Subversion

ViewVC is a browser interface for CVS and Subversion version control repositories. It generates templatized HTML to present navigable directory, revision, and change log listings. It can display specific versions of files as well as diffs between those versions. Basically, ViewVC provides the bulk of the report-like functionality you expect out of your version control tool, but much more prettily than the average textual command-line program output.

Version: 1.2.3 License: BSD GitHub
Maintainers kurthindenburg
Categories devel www
Platforms any
  • cvs (Enable cvs repositories)

"viewvc" depends on

lib (5)
build (1)

Ports that depend on "viewvc"

No ports

Port notes

If this is a fresh install, read otherwise
Copy ${prefix}/share/viewvc/viewvc.conf.dist to ${prefix}/share/viewvc/viewvc.conf and then edit it. It may be easiest to use ${prefix}/share/viewvc/bin/ to test the setup.

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