The wallet is a system for managing secure data, authorization rules to retrieve or change that data, and audit rules for documenting actions taken on that data. Objects of various types may be stored in the wallet or generated on request and retrieved by authorized users. The wallet tracks ACLs, metadata, and trace information. It uses Kerberos authentication. One of the object types it supports is Kerberos keytabs, making it suitable as a user-accessible front-end to Kerberos kadmind with richer ACL and metadata operations. This port contains a remctl script, to be run on the Kerberos 5 KDC, that will generate keytabs at the request of a Wallet server. This variant is only meant to be installed on a KDC, and does not include Wallet server or client.
The wallet is a system for managing secure data, authorization rules to retrieve or change that data, and audit rules for documenting actions taken on that data. Objects of various types may be stored in the wallet or generated on request and retrieved by authorized users. The wallet tracks ACLs, metadata, and trace information. It uses Kerberos authentication. One of the object types it supports is Kerberos keytabs, making it suitable as a user-accessible front-end to Kerberos kadmind with richer ACL and metadata operations. This port contains a remctl script, to be run on the Kerberos 5 KDC, that will generate keytabs at the request of a Wallet server. This variant is only meant to be installed on a KDC, and does not include Wallet server or client.
To install wallet-kdc, run the following command in macOS terminal (Applications->Utilities->Terminal)
sudo port install wallet-kdc
To see what files were installed by wallet-kdc, run:
port contents wallet-kdc
To later upgrade wallet-kdc, run:
sudo port selfupdate && sudo port upgrade wallet-kdc
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