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High-performance HTTP(S) server, HTTP(S) reverse proxy and IMAP/POP3 proxy server
Version: 1.27.3 | Maintained by: Schamschula | Categories: mail www | Variants: auth_request, addition, dav, debug, degradation, devel_kit, flv, gperftools, gzip_static, http2, image_filter, mail, mp4, perl5, random_index, realip, secure_link, ssl, status, substitution, stream, threads, xslt, universalA real-space (time-dependent) density-functional theory code.
Version: 12.1 | Maintained by: dstrubbe | Categories: science | Variants: accelerate, atlas, openblas, gcc10, gcc11, gcc12, gcc13, gccdevel, mpich, openmpi, threads, netcdf, etsf_io, sparskit, gdlib, scalapack, arpack, parpack, parmetis, berkeleygw, everything_serial, everything, maxdim4The Steel Bank Common Lisp system
Version: 2.5.0 | Maintained by: easye | Categories: lang | Variants: bootstrap_ecl, simd, html, pdf, threads, fancyThe Steel Bank Common Lisp system
Version: 20240924 | Maintained by: easye | Categories: lang | Variants: bootstrap_ecl, simd, html, pdf, threads, fancyTool Command Language
Version: 8.6.16 | Maintained by: MarcusCalhoun-Lopez, chrstphrchvz | Categories: lang | Variants: threads, corefoundation, memdebug, dtrace, universalA Tool for Obtaining Maximally-Localised Wannier Functions
Version: 3.1.0 | Maintained by: dstrubbe | Categories: science | Variants: accelerate, atlas, openblas, g95, gcc10, gcc11, gcc12, gcc13, gccdevel, mpich, openmpi, threads, universalYAP Prolog compiler
Version: 6.0.5 | Maintained by: | Categories: lang | Variants: condor, debug, java, tabling, threads, universalYAP Prolog compiler
Version: 6.0.7 | Maintained by: | Categories: lang | Variants: condor, debug, java, tabling, threads, universalZ3 Theorem Prover
Version: 4.13.4 | Maintained by: landonf | Categories: science math | Variants: debug, lto, gmp, native, profile, threads, polly, polly_late, polly_two_level_tiling, polly_vector, polly_parallel, universalPage 3 of 3 | Showing port(s) 41 to 49