GNU Radio is Software Defined Radio (SDR)
Version: | Maintained by: michaelld, ra1nb0w | Categories: science comms | Variants: debug, python27, docs, grc, qtgui, wxgui, uhd, wavelet, jack, portaudio, sdl, ctrlport, ctrlport_thrift, performance_counters, zeromq, logging, log4cpp, quartz, x11, universalAnother rule-based tunnel in Go, formerly known as ClashMeta
Version: 1.19.0 | Maintained by: i0ntempest | Categories: net | Variants: loggingsparse volumetric data structure and tools
Version: 11.0.0 | Maintained by: MarcusCalhoun-Lopez, jasonliu-- | Categories: graphics | Variants: logging, openexr, png, jemalloc, utils, jpg, alembic, debug, tests, docs, nanovdb, examples, benchmark, python39, python310, python311, python312, universaltransport protocol for ultra-low latency live video and audio streaming
Version: 1.5.2 | Maintained by: jasonliu-- | Categories: net multimedia comms | Variants: debug, utils, logging, heavy_logging, tests, openssl, mbedtls, universal